I'm jazzed to have Holly as this week's guest blogger. She's done an awesome job as vice president (soon to be President) of Central New York Romance Writers this year, and is also a fellow TWRP author. Holly's, Beltane Faerie of Fate, was published in the popular Enchanted Faerie Anthology. Bellow is the link to read an excerpt:
excerpt: http://www.hollygreenfield.com/Excerpt%20page.htm
Holly also writes a blog with several other authors at the Author's studio:
For a change of pace, today she's decided to chat about the power of positive thinking, something we need more of in these changing economic times.
Positive Thinking:
Positive thinking powers the mind like the moon drives the tides. And the tides are important to the balance of the sea. Just as positive thinking is important to balance in our lives. It is amazing the people out there that scoff at the power and energy of positive thinking. I won't like and tell you being positive is easy, but I can assure the results are worth the effort.
Being positive is not a single action, or a brief moment, but a life style. A way in which we enrich our lives in all that we do, say, think, feel, and touch. "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world" –Buddha.
You don't have to be Buddhist to know that Buddha was a pretty smart guy. He says "All that we are arises with our thoughts." Think about this for minute. Those who already live by the mantra of positive energy know that this is the golden key. But for those who haven't yet accepted that a reversal in thought can change their lives, should take a minute to dissect the Buddha's wisdom. (And know that Buddha isn't the only one to offer such advice).
All that we are arises from our thoughts…
The actions we complete, the words we string together in a sentence, the treatment we extend to others—it's all from the power of our thoughts. If you awake on a rainy morning and from the moment your eyes open, decided that a rainy day is a gloomy, bad day—guess what?—Your thoughts for that day, your words and actions for that day will be gloomy and bad. And as a result so will every interaction you have that day, so will every thought thereafter, and so your inability attempt a positive attitude will inevitably negatively effect those around you. You will not see the joy in what the rain brings to the earth, nor the opportunities if affords you.-- A rain-day from work, a reason to call in and curl up on the couch dressed in cozy pajamas with a good book and just relax. It could offer you the opportunity to play with your children in the rain, to wait it out and hear and smell the clarity that is in air and the songs birds that sing after a good, hard rain. The rainy day could be yours for the taking—all you have to do is want it.
A rainy down is a small scale version of what positive thinking can do for you, but the bigger picture is always the same.
Decide today that this is going to be a great day. Decided today that whatever goes wrong isn't the end of a good day. And that perhaps whatever went awry wasn't exactly wrong, but a different way for it to be done. Decided today to take a lesson from each of your encounters, instead of walking away with anger, frustration or even sadness weighing you down. I don't mean that these emotions are not valid emotions that should be acknowledged, but where we can take a weight off your hearts (and perhaps live a little longer for it), and where we can be a bright spot in some else's day (Perhaps helping them to live a longer as well) then why not make that decision.
By making an effort to see the silver lining in every gray cloud, you will inevitably feel lighter, healthier, and more energetic than you have in ages. And it's not far off to think, that positive energy used in positive thinking will produce positive actions, such as friendlier conversations, unexpected friendships in the oddest of places, healthier eating, healthier habits, a clearer complexion, a loss in excess weight… the positive results from positive thinking are endless. What have you to lose by giving it a try?
Arthur Rubinstein said, "I have found that if you love life, life will love you back." This is a positive attitude, positive thoughts resulting in positive living. How can life not be good to you, when you are good to life! Your argument could be that sometimes bad things happen to good people. Bad, hurtful things happen and weigh heavily on the mind and soul. Of course they happen, but it is how you face them, how you handle the situation that affords you the solace of positive living. The psychologist, William James said, "The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude." What greater gift could a person ask for, than to be in control of your own happiness?
In being positive you generate positive energy that carries a contagious bug. We all know that when you smile at someone, they have to smile back. Why? Because happiness, positive energy is contagious, and no matter the source of the smile, it is always happy.
I completely agree, Holly.
Thanks for stopping by.
Love and Peace,