Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far, away, a very special little princess was born.
She had curly brown hair like her mother, the queen, and huge green eyes like her father, the king, and a laugh that made everyone smile and laugh with her. The little princess loved to play games and invited all the children in the kingdom to her castle. She made lots of friends, but was lonely. One day by the slimey castle moat she kissed a smooth-talking frog, who turned into a prince. For ten years they stayed in the kingdom and partied with friends and family before they decided to wed.
Now the little princess is Queen, and she lives with the King and their kingdom is vast.
Blessed with four little princesses, and one tadpole, they live,
Happily Ever After.
Happy 5-0 Allene!
Love ya,
Little Sis