Hello everyone! Check out my new sizzling bookcover! More reflective of the degree of suspense, Never My Love has been renamed to Meltdown. That's Cassie and Evan in a hotel room at the Turning Stone Hotel and Casino in nearby Verona. I wonder what they’re doing there?? ;)
Currently I’m working on revisions to Meltdown with my editor. It’s not the quickest process, but I’m one step closer to a publication date. If you can’t wait for the book, check out chapter one on my website. More to follow…
I blame the decision to paint my kitchen the reason why I haven’t blogged in weeks. It’s turned into a face-lift, including new Silestone countertops and ceramic tile mural. I’ve removed wallpaper, painted and sewed table runners, pillows and curtains. It’s been chaotic, but well worth it. In a few weeks it will be Springtime, and Party-time at chez-moi.