Whoever said you can't go back never went to a Reunion. Last weekend I did just that, and I had a blast. The campus was almost like I'd remembered, with a mix of old building struggling to keep their dignity with new structures. I met up with former roommates that I hadn't seen in *** years, and after a few minutes, it was like we'd never been apart. Some even looked like they'd stepped out of a time machine, (Ellen), and all looked fantastic to my teary eyes. Each of us brought pictures of our beautiful children, and some had grandchildren! We compared jobs and family stories like we used to compare lecture notes. It seemed like yesterday we were eating cafeteria slop, walking down the big hill to the "Library" for a beer, or up all night studying for a chemistry exam. We vowed to stay in touch, and to return in five years, God willing, to do it all again. We'll bring more pictures, drink more wine and tell more stories. It's true what they say: Time flies by faster and faster as we get older, but for once it was wonderful to press rewind.
P.S. Please stop by my website, and sign my guestbook at www.susanstthomas.com. And check-out an excerpt of Never My Love, on sale August 2007 from Triskelion Publishing.