Sunday, January 7, 2007

Just another Sunday?

Hi all,

I want to thank Melanie and Nancy for stopping by to say hi. Melanie, I can't wait to meet you in Dallas. I hope you like to party! I can't wait to introduce you to one of my favorite authors and fellow CNYRW, Nancy Henderson. She'll be there, too!

Just another Sunday?? After last week I thought I'd be in better shape today. Not physically, I've given up on ever being a size four again. I'll be lucky to stay in the teen sizes if I don't get my butt to the gym! Anyway, I've been mentally exhausted from returning to my for-pay-day-job, while my other-fulltime-job, can't turn off. Yikes. The writer in me, Susan, is trying to take over my day job!
Do you know what it's like teaching to a class of eighth graders and being struck by an idea? Imagine this.... I'm trying to teach them the science behind why we are afraid of falling objects, and for the guys I used the example of spitting from the top of the Empire State Building. You can't do it, not because it's gross, but it hurts(and you'll be arrested). The spits got added energy due to it's height, even in your mouth. (of course they loved that example) For the girls I had them imagine getting engaged on Valentine's Day. How romantic! But when you catch your dream-man less than a week later kissing another woman, you head back up those steps to the top, and you know what you want to do with that ring? Now, what do you think would happen to your ex-fiance if your former engagement ring hit him in the head while he stood on the sidewalk...
Suffice to say I got my point across about the energy of falling objects depending not only upon the weight of an object, but times the height (always the teacher). Then it struck me. I knew who this scene was made for. Emma! She's the best friend of a run-a-way bride in, "The Politics of Love," my WIP romantic comedy set in Boston. Unfortunately, Emma's story is the last in a trilogy centered around people who meet and have opposite politcal offiliations. But that didn't stop me from pounding out the first scene for Emma's book on my lunch break!

I'm often struck with ideas at the worse times, like yesterday, driving to our month meeting of the CNYRW. My mind works overtime on that drive. By the time I got home I was exhausted! But before I went to bed, I jotted the ideas down. So you think my alter-ego would be finished and just shut up today so I could relax? No. Rather than relax, which means phoning friends or reading a romance novel or e-book, I still felt supercharged. I jumped out of bed, changed my T-shirt and went right over to my laptop. After several hours, I had a plot outline and characters GMC for this paranormal I've been dying to write but never figure out how it ends happily. Whew! I don't know if this happens to other authors, but I'd bet my house that it does. Fellow writers, would I lose my house?

I have to say that without making a penny from my writing I feel like I've hit the lottery by becoming a romance writer. And if I inspire just one person to pick up a pen, and believe they can become a writer, that makes me even happier. *g*. See you in a week!


Nancy Henderson said...

Wow, I've never been mentioned on a blog before! I feel like a Kennedy! I'm sorry we couldn't talk more yesterday, I was running late then I had to go to a million places so I had to leave early. This weekend has been crazy, but Maggie and Gayle's talk was worth the rushing around.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson said...

I'm on the Alternative Read group with you and had to stop by.

Regarding your not making a cent from your writing--never fear. Sometimes giving it away to start creates a bigger buzz than selling it. It's one of the things I talk about in my book on book promotion, The Frugal Book Promoter. Ask Sassy! She loves it.

And while we're talking about blogs, mine is new, too. You might want to go see it to learn how you can use it to link to other blogs, other sites. All part of the game.

Good to talk to you!

Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Award-Winning author of several books including how-to books for authors. Go to my new-being-built-site at

Sassy Brit @ said...


Just popping in to take a look. I'm going to add you to my blogroll list, as soon as I receive a password reminder - for bloglines. Would you believe I cleared the cache so my computer would work faster, and now I have to suddenly remember all my passwords. Ack! I hate it when that happens. When will I ever learn? LOL

Oh well, it's only 6.45 and I'm already moaning! LOL

Take care and have fun with this new blog.

Sassy Brit XXX" News, Reviews, Yahoo Group, Competitions, blog...and Sassy's Gang.
Promote Yourself for Free Yahoo group"

Susan St. Thomas said...

Thanks for stopping by again Nancy. And a big thanks to C.J. Sight Unseen, to be released by Warner in April is going to be a smashing hit! I just love your sassy heroines and devilish heroes.

Susan St. Thomas said...

Hello Carolyn from Alternative Read. If it's frugal I'm loving it already! Thanks for stopping by, and please come back!

Susan St. Thomas said...

Hi Sassy,
I can't wait to rock and roll! Thanks for stopping by and adding me to your list. I'll keep you and your blogeaders smiling *g* TaTa for now.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

Hey Susan!

I love the blog! Can't wait to see the website!
